Monday 24 August 2009

Catchwords and Trick Questions

"Are Pagans racist?" Heh, now just what are we getting at here? First of all, anyone with a brain knows that there is no such a thing as "race" fact homo sapiens sapiens is a species. There are no actual subspecies within that group, rather some 66,000 years ago we nearly faced extinction, though its not quite clear yet as to the cause. I suspect this person probably means "bigot" but I have yet to see where in the animal kingdom there isn't some form of bigotry or another. It's just one of those aspects of natural selection in this thing we call evolution. We each discriminate according to personal preference. It is what makes us individual, thus, increases the survivability of the species through differentiation. All things must change in order to continue. It's the first fundamental law of existence. While over the last 10,000 years or so, we've tried to master this through various hierarchial social structures, for all it's vanity of success it starts to take too much for granted- easily losing sight of that fundamental first law. It becomes stratified, tokenized, values buried under ever more layers of burocracy, until not even the head hauncho is really sure what it all amounts to...and all the while financial reports are issued, that doesn't necessarily say what the commodity was really valued at by the one who did the actual trading. Indeed, survival knows no limit to the means of achieving an end. That is the second fundamental law of existence.

A system easily undermined by corruption is one that cannot survive- so the humans make laws and institutions with more burocracy. Why? because chopping off people's hands only makes them useless as labourers. Of course the wardens gladly accept bribes, thus distributing the wealth to the black-mailers and hired assassins wherever silence cannot be bought. Institutions become empires of ever more secret authority over the masses. The demands on the labour force increase as any concern for their welfare decreases. Expendibles, lackies, primitives scarcely in any position to truly appreciate the superior wisdom of their peers? Yep, that's usually the kind of arrogance that results. Divisions between haves and have nots. Inevitably farmers, craftsmen and proprietors can no longer get the sustenance to meet the impossible demands. The powers that be decide its time to go forth and conquer. As the lackies "have nothing better to do" they send them to do their battle. If their side wins, slaves will make up for the workforce losses.

Suddenly the climate changes, bringing flood, famine and disease. There is dissent, rebellion, looting and civil war. It is a sign of the gods to overthrow the oppressors and return to a humble life of they think. Witches and heretics are hunted down and executed for the noble cause...and so the empire arises again. I could go on but I'm sure most of you get the picture by now. As for the others, you can take your piety, fold it five ways and shove it where no light shines. No matter what you profess to call it, it's still a sham. Just another lame excuse wanton of everything for nothing, or should that be nithing? A process of eliminating everything down to that sublime singular of one-size-fits-all. Take away the forces of resistance and what do you have? A black hole.

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