Saturday 11 May 2019

Pseudo-profound Bullshit

Yep, that’s what it is when I watch some tacky North American paranormal show on TLC to bore me to sleep late at night. Aside from all the useless overpriced gadgetry, there’s usually some bible waving git professing that yon schmuck is possessed by demons from either a worn out ouija board or a bunch of half-assed Lewiccans trying to cast a circle but can’t get the cardinal points right. The amusing thing is, no amount of smudging, prayer or holy water can seem to lose the spook, so obviously these self-proclaimed exorcists are barking up the wrong tree. It’s what happens when your mate is bipolar and unwittingly keeps trying to summon their own inner schweinehund by some paranormal means. Well gee Sherlock, so what happens now?...