Tuesday 14 July 2009

On Empathic Ability

I'm an empath to the extreme of being a strange attractor, but I'm more apt to blame that aspect on my bio-electric messengers. I'm 5 antigens short of a proper rhesus factor, which puts me well outside 99.98% of the human populace. This makes those messengers stand out like a solar flare. Not only do people react to this curiously, but animals as well. In the case of people though they are rarely conscious of how oddly they are behaving. My friends are amused at how people get so magnetized, regardless of like or loathe. Needless to say this can be a right pain, so I prefer to avoid crowds altogether. To put a damper on it is practically impossible, so if need be, I just send out the "bugger off" signals. Mind you, some are just too thick to even register that, so I either have to tell them off or get physical. Too many have had the most unreal expectations so I'm not what you could call a friend of humanity. In my youth I seriously got wondering where I took a wrong turn in the causality curve. Fortunately a hindu friend explained something about Pashupati and the Rudra that made perfect sense- that true creation is in the ability to break from the norm and that some people just plain have that wild card predestiny.

On the other hand, my emphathic ability also has an ugly habit of the shared NDE. My worst case scenario was a family friend's death through massive heart attack. I was about 10km away at home when it hit me, sending me writhing on the floor in the most excruciating pain as if my whole body had seized up on me. To say the least, it really freaked out my family, although they have their own fair share of clairvoyance. Fortunately most we know that have passed, did so peacefully.

Yes, some people can really put a drain on you, but that can be reversed. Some are just plain soul-suckers and take full advantage of it. Throw it right back at them for everyone's sake, or you will undoubtably have to clean up one hell of a mess sooner or later. Forget the Wiccan rede, believe in that higher wisdom called "Murphy's Law".

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