Thursday 8 June 2023

Reconstructed Heathenry

I can understand why the Icelandic Ásatrúarfélagið wants naught to do with the above mentioned. Call me a bog-standard heathen as I was never Christened nor baptized. That whole genre you’re trying to get at, is like waiting for a ship at a bus station. German heritage as I learned it, is largely an oral tradition with much of the original meaning preserved in the language itself. Such roots seem a complete mystery to Anglophones who rely on spurious sources of loosely interpreted translations, looking for regimes in what was and still is a diaspora, each location with its own nuances as one would naturally expect. European ethno-culture encompasses some 230 languages, aside from the various dialects thereof. My Prussian grandfather saw need to teach me these things, for fear of it becoming distorted by the Nazis. Indeed they were hell bent on making the “Allfather” the universal alternate to Yahweh, much to the demise of the Jewish people. Although Christianity was just as ruthless in its pursuits, the common folk did not have the privilege of literacy; and so the oral memory and its customs, still lives on.

In the beginning it was all elementals, spirits and cunningfolk; often tricksters traveling in the guise of the poor and elderly- helping the needy and making complete fools of the greedy. They were all to be respected, with offerings of whatever one prospered from their providence. One did not simply fell trees or till the soil without consulting the wights. This was the beginning of agrarian times in Europe some 7 thousand years ago. The moon was the bearer of the seed- the months according to its cycles, were 13. The setting of the Pleiades marked the start of the growing season, and when they rise in Samuin we honour the ancestors and those who have passed. The long night of the wild hunt was understood as the marriage of the Sun with the Earth Mother in her underworld domain to fertilize and rejuvenate growth. A time of culling and cleansing.

I could go on and on, but the bottom line is, you lot need to get out of that pedantic Anglo-latinzed mind set if you really want to understand these things.

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