Tuesday 15 October 2013

Nobody Expects the Playgan Inquisition

Aside from the self-proclaimed "experts" of Llewellyn press, we get the odd trolls from a certain American multifaith hub trying to push their credo on us like some god-sent vulcan thought police. Bring up topics like Atwill's "Covert Messiah", and we get slated as Christian bashers before the goods even hit the podium of Conway Hall. Kinda jumping the gun, aren't you Spanky? Yeah go bury your head in the sand, whining about how we should just focus on paganism while you're trying to tell us Jesus was a wiccan. Oh really? Lemme guess...he must have been the one Gardner met in the New Forest under the pale moonlight...yes, we all come from the godass- Holy Crap Batman! I have to agree with your religious contenders that you are just another tokenistic fashion statement, fantasizing cult fandom by playing mythical gods like a game of pokemon. I mean hell, you're such an icon of virtue, you have to ask for donations to go to a Pantheacon just 12 minutes away.

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