Thursday 24 October 2013

...and there it was gone.

Despite all that hullabaloo over Atwill's Covert Messiah, suddenly nobody's talking about whatever happened at Conway Hall that day, not even the slightest press review, nada. So, either nothing happened, or somebody took all the discrete legal measures to protect their interests (albeit Atwill or the CoE)...and even if there was any evidence in the form of actual documents, he certainly wouldn't have legal rights over them. Indeed, such circumstances alone could easily fuel another Dan Brown tale of millennial conspiracy, but if there's anything that really annoys me, it's the word "controversial". It means opposite sides of the same useless argument, neither of which has any relevance to the actual cause of the problem in the first place. Looking at human history as a whole, it takes no special powers to realize that all great empires were built on deception and emotional blackmail. Thus, whatever the Council of Nicea had in mind with their sloppy Greek translations and blatant censorships, making sacrilege of others to fit some greater utopia was always their venue. Not even the Greeks were spared in this endeavour. As for the "Messiah", how many Christians even know the actual meaning of the Hebraic word? I may be a heathen, but I did have one teacher of biblical history in my elementary years and ironically, she was from Jerusalem. I was free to chose whether I wanted to learn it or not. Indeed, learning of the Qumran scrolls proved highly revealing, and this back in 1964, while everyone else was too busy attending church.

Now having said this, some pagans will no doubt wonder where I'm coming from. My concerns are not so much about faith, rather, cultural heritage, hence; any folk that has to strip away the misconceptions to recall the experiences and lessons of their ancestors. While learning from foreign cultures brings innovation, it is always a question of ethics in how that connection is made. Not knowing your roots has a way of raising spirits that will haunt you until you make that connection properly.  As far as I'm concerned, denying a folk this possibility is akin to holding their soul hostage. Is it any surprise how many troubled souls there are in this day and age? Many are so damaged, they will never recover. Either way, however, I do not believe in utopia, nor the nihilistic rantings of frontal lobe disorders, but the different little dynamic changes that maintain the continuity of whole.

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