Wednesday 13 June 2012

Hey, Mister Stregheria

...nice try but no banana. If you find us so offensive then why do you keep sneaking back in? Do you honestly think your Llewicca spin is so valid that we're a fish out of water without it? Be glad we even give you public mention from Wikipedia, because your bad anthropology is just too damn amateurish for the likes of any traditional European. Of course you tried to cover that up with your brown-nosing to have us removed from the site, failing to see that's the difference between seedy pretence and those who really do have exceptional powers of perception...and that's only just the beginning of the reasons why you are bullshit and a lame brain. Save the sock puppetry and droll sycophantic chants of "Mr.G is such a niceguy therefore his word is the gospel". Like the truth of you plagiarizing and making false claims about the Order of the Golden Dawn? What's so wrong about allowing them to give their side of the story?...and why does your following keep repeating that vacuous rhetoric like a bunch of mindless clones? Keep talking like you're on Sesame street and you may yet be mistaken for a paedo...but then, if you're looking for a church to excommunicate the non-believers then you're obviously at the wrong address anyway. Get over it.

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