Tuesday 5 January 2021

What goes around comes around

Back in 2009 I abandoned the UK Pagan community with a few heathen refugees who had found homage on a Ning site more international to our tastes. The problem with UKP turned out to be a cold war between heathens and the OBOD instigated by political elements within those ranks, serving their own secret ends for authority over the whole. The problem with the UK itself has always been its three-state/three-class system, one in which the COE dictates the trend of what has rights and privileges as a religion. It seems the game plan was to eliminate secularism within those ranks and manipulate them into three groups, each with its own moral codex. For the heathens it was the Havamal, a questionable set of ethics that arose at the time of Christianization in Scandinavia. Having been raised on German culture, I especially found the “Reformed Heathen” interpretations of these things, more inclined to rhetorical gospel than cultural consistency. That along with the Wiccan “three-fooled law” (as we call it) being dictated on the overall by OBOD as the only “recognized” “Original British Religion” was extremely fabricated to say the least. The OBOD itself persists in denying the fact that the UK’s megaliths are Neolithic and not Phoenician as they would like to assume. Needless to say, that never did fare well with the authorities of UNESCO who demanded proper archaeology of these sites.

In that time before 2009 I had my own problems between these fronts, being sock puppetted by elements seeking gurudom to satisfy their paedophile exploits. That was also aside some ridiculous witch war between two rivaling covens. Either way, they all seemed to have a real problem with science, much like what you find with any religious fanatics. Their ideas of scientific method was like a throwback to a bad 50s Sci Fi, which probably explains the decadent state of the country’s general education system. By the time the heathens wanted me to join ranks, I was wholly fed up with the circus and wanted to pull the plug. The admins were trying to play me for a scapegoat but I got tired of that charade too. The heathens would not heed my warnings that the coven playing for their allegiance was just a set up. What ensued was as I predicted, but they still wouldn’t listen to reason. Nonetheless it all got blamed on me, but that didn’t really matter. The opposition was obsessed with the idea that I was living in the UK otherwise their conspiracy theory about me wouldn’t make sense. Frankly I was not happy over my heathen colleagues dragging me into this, and to what end? I have no need of religious representation in my country. Neither does the church have political authority here, nor is religion/spirituality seen as anything other than personal choice according to the rights of the individual. Well, since then, most of their heathens have turned nazi, thanks to the “Mein Kampf” polemic of no-minds like Nigel Farage, so I’m done with that lot anyway. They can’t even get it through their heads that I really am a genuine heathen. Proof is in the fact that I pay no church tax. Now why is that?

Still I get the odd gaslighting cryptic comments on my FB posts, as if their stupid rules of political correctness should be the center of my universe. It only goes to show just how insular their mentality is, not even aware that maybe us continentals prefer to differ, even have the laws to protect us in doing so...and then they tell me they weren’t for Brexit. Like who’s kidding who? You lot always thought you were so above everyone else. Sorry, no class system here, so run along you brainwashed numpties and stop echoing the words of your Bojo.

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