Tuesday 27 October 2020

Behind the Mirror

Over the course of my previous life, what I found particularly conspicuous is how people in certain positions of confidence had a tendency to degenerate into the so-called pseudologic fantastica regime. Not just people I knew, but similar folks in America and the UK. I would have thought nothing of it, were the symptoms not so characteristically identical, delving deeply into the pseudoscience of alleged alien visitation. Clearly something along the lines of 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate and scopolamine had addled the acetylcholine levels of their brain. Aside from that wacko in Halifax Transit, I have been aware of this since 1977 when a long time acquaintance got mixed up with some very dubious elements in NICAP after her alleged “hypnotic regressions” sanctioned by none other than J. Allen Hynek personally. She was also given some tapes, clearly full of subliminal triggers, and every time she listened to them, would go into an uncanny trance. You could wave a hand in front of her face, but she simply wasn’t there. I tried to persuade her to give me a copy, but to no avail. Her mind would simply shut down at the mere hint of an attempt to penetrate that bodyguard of lies. That was around the time Dr. Jacques Vallee was assigned by the UN to investigate the growing number of alleged alien abduction claims, only to find out that most were in fact false memory implants. Needless to say, that was the bomb he dropped at the Geneva symposium that year, especially pointing the finger at Hynek and his following. I noticed similar mental triggers and blocks in my brother’s ex-wife, who was one of only 3 surviving recruits subjected to similar experiments in the military. My father inclined to call it “military madness” but I noticed such patterned behaviour extended well into the public community of all that seems controversial and eventually the media. I see it in such individuals as Simon Parkes, David Icke and the hoard of conspiracy theorists from Groomlake and the likes, say nothing of ex-defence ministers with claims of allegiances with Venusians and Martians. I guess astrophysics was never their strong suit.. Friends in the UK, say it’s no mere rumour that Mi6 has been dabbling in that ever since the days of the Golden Dawn and Allister Crowley. Indeed, I’ve had my run-ins with such disinformation agents in the UK pagan community but fortunately the Verfassungsschutz doesn’t side with such violations of freedom of thought, so their sock puppet threats went in one ear and down the street.

I’ve only ever seen it come from the English speaking community, especially those in security and intelligence, but most quite unwitting of themselves. There were relentless attempts to talk at me over everything from UFOs down to 12 thousand year old pyramids. Heaven forbid, the old Prussian logic in me reeled at the thought of such numpties holding any position of responsibility talking deleterious gobshite like that. There was a time it had a grip on me too, until I fled the country and took a sabbatical. Then after long deconditioning and removing all dubious elements from my life, in the end I was finally sound of mind again. I think the worst part was overcoming the mentally disabling effects of whatever those spooks were slipping into our condiments in that period up to 1984...but still, being surrounded by so much narcissism and other personality disorders; amid the inane power struggles; was always a challenge to one’s sanity. Yeah, let’s blame the Russians but I’ve had my run-ins with their disinformation agents too, which is pretty much a joke unless you’re fool enough to fall for all that ancient aliens crap or the false flag pseudo-controversial blatherings of RT. Between them and Fux News, I’ll stick with none of the above. Nonetheless, it’s plain to see what some illuminutters in these realms have ruthlessly stooped to, undermining free will and, above all, any healthy better judgment. Now that Covid-19 inclines to even the score, where are your mindless minions now? Don’t be surprised if you find them among the growing number of alt-right anti-vaxers, after all, in all your inconsequence you unwittingly put them where they are. These people are not only fucked for life but determined to take everyone down with them.

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