Tuesday 28 June 2016

Smoke and Mirrors

Okay so you voted out, not because you support racism, but want to see the great back in Britain? Well that's your call. As for the rest of us Europeans, we have our own matters to contend with, let alone the mess you've already left behind. As much as we regret your decision, it's not so much your choice that disappoints us, but through what lobby you made that choice, unaware that its not just the UK they want, but have their perpetrators in our countries as well, trying to divide us. In fact, this was the game plan your oh so well meaning Nigel Farage related to me on FB, before I blocked his impertinent ass. I am a German, you have no idea what the Nazis did to my mother and her family. I know the polemic and the blame-shifting smear campaigns, and there it was all over my FB wall. I told a friend of mine to knock it off, that's when he pitched up and it just got worse. I told him to bugger off, I'm not a member of his constituency. So, he started pushing the AfD and Front Nationale at me and that's when I pulled the plug. Conspiracy theory? Yeah, tell me it’s just a figment of my paranoid imagination. Go ahead and sue me you bastard.

Now you wonder why your parties are falling apart for all the resignations and in-fighting? It's called the tactics of division to give the instigator an uncontested majority he couldn't get through a proper election. If you want to call that a democracy then you obviously don't know the difference between solidarity and segregation. Save the proselytizing and see the blame game for what it is. There are no angry mobs taking to the streets around here, just his cronies. It's not like us Germans don't know the duplicities that come with that kind of talk. Your problem if you don't think it could happen to you, because it just did.

I remember Gary and the Arthurian Legends. It would have been very interesting if it were true, but that was obviously not what it was really about. It was this strange thing they call patriotism under the flag of St.George. Then one day he asked if I would sign the petition to support the British troops in Afghanistan. This was probably the last time I had to explain that I'm a German citizen, resident in Germany. My vote doesn't qualify- that aside the fact that our own troops are out there on a limb too. Needless to say, I got unfriended. Now had it been an EU petition, I would have seen sense in signing it.Or I could have said "thank you I've signed it because it's such a good thing", and leave him satisfied with himself. This was the strange thing about that particular lot, like trying to speak with them from behind a mirror, but I got tired of it.

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