Thursday 6 January 2011

The Basic rules of Magic

While paganism is essentially nature based, that means understanding that it's not about oneness; but realizing the many different parts that make the whole dynamic. Dynamic is the keyword here, because no matter what you would like to believe, existence is based on some very fundamental laws of motion. However, there is more to the mechanics of it than the polarity of opposites- rather, the kinetics of intermediate forces that keep the two in tandem. This is where the "magical three" comes into play that alot of novices tend to misinterpret as the "three fold law". Rather, this should be understood that no system can be absolute, but is always subject to change. In essence, continuity is in the ability to adapt and diverge from the binary into the infinitesimal; like the sprout that breaks the seed or the flap of the butterfly's wings that over the course of least resistence makes the tsunami. Nature abhors perfection and the more you try to confine a system, the more it becomes the focus of forces in entropy. In essence, opposites in cancellation. Wisdom is knowing where to set the wheels in motion for an inevitable outcome. A question of time and place. Yes, clairvoyant ability is an asset, but then a good instinctive sense of direction and timing will do.

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