Wednesday 29 December 2010

Retrospect, Introspect and Let's have some Respect

Well the year has been an interesting one for all its ironic trials and tribulations. Doc tells me this CV writing course was something the Kommunale unwittingly obligated themselves to without reading the fine print, and why us lackies have had it pretty well dumped on us. Nonetheless, it hasn't been without its merits of insight into the business world as it stands. Especially having heard the various gruesome experiences of others with its oneupmanships has been most enlightening. With the situation as it is, alot of us are most likely better off being self-employed. Come the end of this year the politicians will have to fess up to the obvious violations of any personal dignity, though I am sure they think they are above the law. The so-called economy as we knew it is well and truly done for. I see the inevitable return of the journeyman, barter and trade akin to that of tribal communities. Mind you, this is nothing new for the village I live in, as it's been in the no-zone ever since they did in those incestuous feudal lords with pitchforks and great loads of manure. Heheh, man you gotta love these people for that. Now the fires of rebellion are flaring up again threating to break off from Ortenau for the more reasonable option of Breisgau. Indeed the former has only did their best to perpetually jerk us around...and so the legacy goes on...

Meanwhile on the cyberfront, things are greatly improving. We finally got our DSL and that with far better quality than the rest. It was a long hard uphill battle but well worth the effort. Given our remote location it only stands to reason that we need an excellent line of communication to close that gap. Thus I've been able to cover more territory in contact with others of my kindred. Indeed, my heart goes out to you my cyberfriends on Ning, Skype, Yahoo, YouTube, FB, LiveJournal, Blogger and of course MySpace; for that sharing of each our unusual experiences over such a great distance. Thank you so much, not only for being here, but being who you are.

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