Monday 22 November 2010

Yes, it's been a while...

...just too much happening on all fronts since the new year started. My brother and his wife have since moved in, given the unrelenting economic crisis. Indeed this is a year of many changes and subsequent reorganization. It boils down to that realization that governments are no longer cost effective and rapidly becoming too great a tax burden. I mean really, let's cut to the chase here, just who do they think they're fooling? First they use our hard earned money to bail out their bad investments in Iraqi oil. That has to be the biggest con of the century, but it doesn't stop there. Now they want us to raid granny's little treasure chest to cover the astrophysical proportions of their global inflationary gold deficit. While the conspiracy theorists are on about some New World Order, all I see is that old Rothschild dinosaur still trying to raise its greedy head. Yes, the arctic may be melting but I'd be freezing my ass off here, if it were not for the one good investment my father made in a wood stove. Nonetheless, I don't envy these warmongers in palatial mansions. They're so far removed from reality they would starve to death if they had to grow their own food. I would much rather see this, than all those left to die fighting on foreign soil while the real enemy lurks within our own boundaries. No I am not some fanatical idealist, just an ordinary citizen who can't see how melting down granny's baubles is gonna reduce the carbon footprint of perpetual bullshit. Read between the lies.

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