It beats me what flat earth has anything to do with astronomy. It's just plain bad Earth science. Planets, stars or anything else in the sky are just fixtures in their books. That doesn't even qualify as astronomical. Now having said that, I fail to see any reasonable point for pros or cons polemic on the matter. While many in the English speaking world proclaim the democratic right of freedom of speech, they fail to consider the democratic right of freedom of choice. In essence, it boils down to the rights of the individual and that 18 inch intimate zone called privacy. I do not condone those who want to live in their quasi-religious pathos, but trying to dictate it on others, or vice versa is where the real problem lies. This is why our constitution sees proselytizing as violating the rights of the individual/a.k.a. the freedom of choice. It should be plain to see by now that neither is negotiable if you really get down to it, so leave them to their own doing and worry more about your own shit. Nature is essentially opportunistic. Give it too much attention and it will exploit that opportunity. Rather, it should be understood that good fences make good neighbours. Stand your ground and safeguard your boundaries. This is why I much prefer strategy when comes to understanding life and survival in the real world. I was never one to seek security in numbers either, but prefer to explore the liminal with at least a few creative people who know the difference between reality and fiction. Not the dominance posterings of wannabe "smarter than thou" trolls.
Wednesday, 29 January 2025
Exercise in Futility
Sunday, 26 January 2025
Return of the Evil Empire
For years now I've been warning people of this demon called "supremacism" in its many shades of deception and nihilism. My mother's family were once very civil and respected citizens of Selesia. Their views were moderate and well educated, but didn't stand chance under the fool moves of an aging monarchy. My mother's father was a medical doctor who got conscripted in WWI to look after prisoners in Sarajevo. He had scarcely got out of there when the economy started failing, having lost much of its work force to the casualties of that futile war. To make matters worse, destitution turned to false hopes in the promises made by socialist movements. After knowing what happened in Russia, he was not inclined to trust either, albeit senile autocracy or national socialist nihilism. His brothers and sisters had a good milling business going until the Nazis demanded a list of their Jewish employees. All records were promptly burnt and they committed suicide to insure not a word would fall into the wrong hands. He also learned that his wife divorced him and left my mother in a Catholic orphanage, where she was being brutally abused. He took her out of there and moved to Breslau. There they enjoyed the city life until the Gestapo showed up and arrested him for shaking his fist at their entourage and saying "Hitler verrecke!". He was thrown into a labour camp in Lower Saxony, while my mother was conscripted into the Luftwaffe, and that at the age of 14. Meanwhile her sister became an NS nurse, and her brother landed in the infantry where he lost a lung in battle. When my grandfather was finally released by the British Army and brought to Hameln,they put him into the position of employment director there. My mother had escaped to the American lines, made the last train out of Dresden before the city was bombed flat and the Russians moved in. She took up a job of telephone operator in Frankfurt for five years before her brother finally found her and told her, her father was alive and well in Hameln. She moved to Hameln and got a job as secretary of the British CO on the base there. That was where she met my father, but all the Nazis in hiding didn't like that and tried to kill her. That's when my grandfather disowned her brother and sister, when they tried to raid her apartment, assuming she was dead. Surprisingly she survived the severe head injury, so my father promptly married her and took her to his family in Fort Erie, Canada where I was born six months later. Unfortunately I've never known her as sound of mind since. For years I've had to endure being called a Nazi, just because of my German background. It only goes to show how stupid and superficial some people can be, as if such atrocity is congenital, say nothing of being racist themselves...and with all the Nazi scientists the allies divided among themselves, in reality the curse continued in secret behind closed doors. Say nothing of Josef Mengele being on the Canada Research Council payroll.
With elements of family still trapped in the grey zone between east and west, we were constantly under surveillance, until we moved to Westphalia in 1965. I fared better with the locals because of their similar experiences and war damaged parents. We were the rebels of the time, growing up in a schism where the enemies of our enemies were not necessarily our friends. "Why are you hanging out with the Germans? and who is that old guy we see you with?" the Canadian military community would say. Maybe it's because I'm a fucking German and that old guy happens to be my grandfather you idiot. Just because some psychopath from Austria-Hungary resurrected all the wannabe despots of a new world order doesn't mean everything that's German is Nazi. Opa called them "Lumpenproletariat" because they were all sociopathic criminals, always blaming the victim instead of their own overweening arrogance. It took me years to get out of that schism until the wall finally came down. Over the years I had inched my way into the higher echelons to finally make my escape from all that regime mentality and finally succeeded. So I'm not about to be fooled by any nihistic perverts who think they're the godsent chosen.
With elements of family still trapped in the grey zone between east and west, we were constantly under surveillance, until we moved to Westphalia in 1965. I fared better with the locals because of their similar experiences and war damaged parents. We were the rebels of the time, growing up in a schism where the enemies of our enemies were not necessarily our friends. "Why are you hanging out with the Germans? and who is that old guy we see you with?" the Canadian military community would say. Maybe it's because I'm a fucking German and that old guy happens to be my grandfather you idiot. Just because some psychopath from Austria-Hungary resurrected all the wannabe despots of a new world order doesn't mean everything that's German is Nazi. Opa called them "Lumpenproletariat" because they were all sociopathic criminals, always blaming the victim instead of their own overweening arrogance. It took me years to get out of that schism until the wall finally came down. Over the years I had inched my way into the higher echelons to finally make my escape from all that regime mentality and finally succeeded. So I'm not about to be fooled by any nihistic perverts who think they're the godsent chosen.
Thursday, 23 January 2025
Was der Bauer nicht kennt frisst er nicht.
...That expression well fits what these MAGAs try to do with anything that doesn't fit their twisted regimen. No guys, freedom of speech is not an entitlement to harass anything that doesn't fit your ideals, let alone violate that 18 inch intimate zone called personal choice. Even by that alone you will never understand why Europe prefers to differ. So, stop trying to put me on the spot with your misconceptions, because you obviously don't want to hear anything that doesn't fit it. Rather, intent on provocating recourse so you can blame the victim. I joined that group to talk about science as it says on the label, not stand trial for issues that have sod all to do with any of it. Hence I am no longer inclined to tolerate it, rather, go elsewhere where I am not constantly subjected to it.
Monday, 13 January 2025
What goes around comes around
Met with friends again at the local café. Much to my dismay was a copy of the boulevard rag “Bild am Sonntag” on the table before me. Blazoned across the front page was that cursed Alice Weidel, AfD party candidate for Chancellor in the upcoming election. While I can name a few, she has to be one of the dumbest in all of Germany. Needless to say, I was not amused. Clearly Musk has already started promoting these assholes, both notorious Holocaust deniers...and what did they say? Hitler was a communist, not a Nazi? That makes about as much sense as wanting to bring back the Weimar Republic, you know, the time you needed a wheelbarrow full of money just to buy a lousy loaf of bread. I remember way back when my Facebook feed was plastered with their nasty racist mugs. At least back then I could get them off my case by reporting them as a hate group, but these days?
That shit all started in 2015 when Nigel Farage weaseled his way into the “Make Britain Great Again” crowd trying to be my friends. Of course when I blocked them all, it apparently didn’t stop there. Now that the Borg has given up fact checking thanks to the orange curse and his mogul entourage, it’s gonna be another recurring nightmare of proselytizing, worse than the Jehovas. With a lot of the feedback I’ve been getting from the American side, it’s plain to see just how complacent they’ve become between wanton positivity NLP and abject patriotism muddying the waters. I’m just the ugly German in their books thanks to some megalomanic Austrian psychopath before my time. This definitely not going to end well.
That shit all started in 2015 when Nigel Farage weaseled his way into the “Make Britain Great Again” crowd trying to be my friends. Of course when I blocked them all, it apparently didn’t stop there. Now that the Borg has given up fact checking thanks to the orange curse and his mogul entourage, it’s gonna be another recurring nightmare of proselytizing, worse than the Jehovas. With a lot of the feedback I’ve been getting from the American side, it’s plain to see just how complacent they’ve become between wanton positivity NLP and abject patriotism muddying the waters. I’m just the ugly German in their books thanks to some megalomanic Austrian psychopath before my time. This definitely not going to end well.
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