Tuesday, 28 June 2022

The Rival Sibling

 Since the sex change, I've been forbidden the reference "brother", "he", etc. despite the 63 years of enduring this calamity. Well, since that large tumour was removed from between the two hemispheres, the convolutions have escalated to mind-boggling proportions. Not sure if it was the cause of the mayhem, because this person was always on the contrary, forever trying to engage me in a battle of wits, as if I should be some contender; and that as far back as I can remember. All fine and well if it wasn't for that overweening flaw in that reasoning, namely the imposing narcissism like a bulldozer wherever faced with indifference. Taking to the offensive with insulting suppositions against me wherever logic fails to justify or indignance fails to satisfy.

I got up this morning at 7, and venturing to make myself a cup of tea, discovered my honey had disappeared off the table. "Now where the hell did that go?" I nattered to myself. I received the prompt response, "it's in your fridge", from the far corner of the flat. Puzzled, I retorted, "why that? It doesn't belong there..." "Well, I don't know where you put these things" she declined. "If that's the case, then why put it in my fridge?" I guess that question threw a wrench because it made the imposition obvious. I actually got an "I'm sorry" from the blighter, mind you, followed by a "I like to keep things fresh". I simply retired to my little office beside the living room.  At some point, the drama queen pitches up with- "my girlfriend is not on speaking terms because of my fucked situation, blah, blah, blah. I only have 6 euros left on my account blah blah blah. I said, "well, if you need anything from the store, I can foot the bill. That's when the insults started flying about what an allegedly comfortable and appraised life I've been leading and some punishment she has in store for me when she leaves for NZ. "Fine then," I withdrew, "go fuck yourself anyway. Then she started on about how moralistic and provident my renomee is, which only made me laugh as I let the music drown out this meaningless rubbish for whatever it's trying to get at. I'll be glad when Wolfgang arrives and I can bugger off where I can't be reached. Like I really need this after singularly wet-nursing two other psychos for 10 years of my life.

Fuck this noise.