Thursday, 11 March 2021
Social Distancing
Friday, 5 March 2021
Malice in Blunderland
Some kind of NLP thought police bent on dictating their pseudo-moral popular consensus for the archbish of Canterbury, but trying to relate in terms of CBeebees, is just fit for the rubber room. Perhaps they shouldn't wonder just how much of a nanny state their country has become, or is this some new form of pedophilia? In Germany, critical thinking is common place, it's what you learn in the course of personal responsibility, so I guess I'm perfectly normal. Somehow these UK pagans seem to have missed that turn, always looking for a sacrificial lamb, like I really need that kind of social acceptability. So you're working for charity? Well so am I. Two different countries, different systems. At least mine gives refugees a roof over their heads, so save the emotional blackmail for your so-called "decent folk". You're way out of your league.