Thursday, 11 March 2021

Social Distancing

Like the folks from Bellingcat have often said, much of what calls itself the news media theses days is actually being ripped from blogs, FB and Instagram, out of convenience. Of all the professional liars, I find RT and the BBC the smuggest. When it comes to carrots on a stick, it seems the Russians have it mastered in ways you would think could never happen. RT applies a pseudologia that likes to borderline on conspiracy theory, but only in so far as give an impression of openness. Of course they’d never divulge any errors of their own, just the same as the BBC would never admit the lies and blame shifting of Brexit (or the Tories for that matter). It makes Fox News and Q-anon seem more like an amateur circus for the functionally illiterate. I’ve come across all kinds of these misinformation agents in cyberspace. They like to plant themselves in all things esoteric, especially where belief degenerates into pseudoscience and virtual cosplay. The worst part is, a lot of them don’t even realize it themselves. Call me a low glider, but I’ve always preferred to keep below that radar of popularity contests. So many things entrusted to me on the personal level, I wouldn’t think of writing a novel about. No, I’m not talking about those years in HQ, nor its political ugly rumour gallery. All the places I’ve been and the people I met. Influential people, who for some damn reason confided in me like a priest in some remote confessional, as if I should have some magical power over destiny. Although I’m inclined to take much of that for projecting, or maybe it’s just the way I look, it was nonetheless a learned experience. When the truth is stranger than fiction, of course no one wants to know. Tell them what they want to hear and they’ll never let go. Many don’t realize just how much is revealed- not only by their demeanor or choice of words. My paternal grandfather was an immigration inspector, the best in his field. He could read people like a book, but it’s not like I really want to.

Friday, 5 March 2021

Malice in Blunderland

Blocked another couple of UKP throwbacks from my FB. The recourse from his sycophantic following of no minds is bad enough, but trying to derail my posts with irrelevant or cryptic comments then gaslighting when I question his motives, is really looking for trouble. They seem to have it in for anything I post that might challenge their way of thinking (especially when it comes to science), despite having sod all to do with their community, or country for that matter. They just can't seem to get that through their heads. No more rule Britannia. No more center of the EU universe, tsk, tsk.

Some kind of NLP thought police bent on dictating their pseudo-moral popular consensus for the archbish of Canterbury, but trying to relate in terms of CBeebees, is just fit for the rubber room. Perhaps they shouldn't wonder just how much of a nanny state their country has become, or is this some new form of pedophilia? In Germany, critical thinking is common place, it's what you learn in the course of personal responsibility, so I guess I'm perfectly normal. Somehow these UK pagans seem to have missed that turn, always looking for a sacrificial lamb, like I really need that kind of social acceptability. So you're working for charity? Well so am I. Two different countries, different systems. At least mine gives refugees a roof over their heads, so save the emotional blackmail for your so-called "decent folk". You're way out of your league.