Thursday, 29 October 2020

The Alt-Right and other Idiot Farms

Back in March of 2018 the infamous Steve Bannon of Breitbart came to Zürich to hard sell his daft polemic to various racist political no-minds, particularly the AfD. That particular meeting was done in secrecy and involved huge donations to that party.

Here this quote from

Political parties in Germany fund their activities mostly through public funding, membership fees, and donations. They may generally accept donations without a limit, however, they are generally forbidden from accepting donations from foreign sources and anonymous donations that exceed €500. The rules for illegal donations generally also apply to members of the German Bundestag and members of state parliaments. However, individual members are allowed to accept benefits of monetary value to, among other things, foster interparliamentary and international relations. The rules do not apply to candidates who are running for office but are not currently holding office. 

So-called party sponsoring, where a business or other entity bears costs related to certain political activities in exchange for some form of publicity, is not regarded as a donation, but as taxable income from events and other income-related activities. It has to be declared in the annual statement of accounts, but it is not subject to the prohibitions on donations. 

Germany has been repeatedly criticized by the Group of States Against Corruption of the Council of Europe for not implementing recommendations to enhance the transparency of party funding.

Needless to say, this led to the investigation of the “unaccountable sources” of these donations.

AfD provides list of names behind 'illegal' campaign finance  scandal

AfD leader Alice Weidel's failure to disclose illegal campaign finance donations before the 2017 election from a Swiss pharmaceutical company led to an investigation, which remains ongoing. The party has provided investigators with a list of names which they say were behind the donations, thereby rendering them consistent with German law.

The far-right Alternative for Germany party's campaign finance scandal has deepened, with the party providing a list of names which they say were responsible for the series of donations totalling €130,000 made before the 2017 federal election.
The list contained 14 purported benefactors, most of which were German. Under German law donations to political parties from non-EU sources are forbidden, while donations from other EU countries are restricted. Switzerland is not a member of the EU.
The party said that the 14 benefactors, not the Swiss pharmaceutical company which was originally suspected to have made the transfers, were behind the donations.

The party has been embroiled in several campaign finance scandals in recent months, including another €150,000 donation from an unknown Dutch political organization called the 'European Identity Foundation'.

The donations subject to this investigation were made via several transfers to the AfD's Lake Constance branch.

Party leader Alice Weidel is officially under investigation in relation to the donations.

The transfers were made with the subject line “campaign donation Alice Weidel”. A former investment banker, Weidel divides her time between Lake Constance and Switzerland.

The AfD refused to comment on the ongoing investigation, but said in their 2018 annual report that the donations were made from individuals who were “to the best of [the AfD's] knowledge, German nationals or EU nationals”.

However, as reported by the dpa, the board of directors of the Swiss pharmaceutical company who have been traced back to the donations, already indicated that the money had been transferred by the company “in trust for a business friend”.

If the Bundestag is unsatisfied with the AfD's explanation for the repayment of the funds, the party will owe three times the amount received as a fine.

Weidel said that while the party did not realize until later that the donations had been made contrary to German law, the amounts were promptly repaid. This then led to the mistaken belief that the donations did not need to be reported.

“Yes, we made mistakes,” Weidel said. “We recognized it, responded and paid it back”.
Note that Breitbart has been trying to establish publishing firms in Germany, not only to favour an alt-right movement but also finance it under the stipulation of the above mentioned laws on foreign involvement. 
Now with fake news from these sources causing escalations in the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly exascerbated by anti-Covid restriction protests in major cities across the country, we can expect a wide scale ban on such misinformation and its proprietors. Facebook and a number of other social media services have already begun to implement these bans.

QAnon in Europe: How the COVID pandemic helped promote a dangerous conspiracy theory 

A Satan-worshipping paedophile ring led by prominent Democrats who are allegedly kidnapping, abusing and eating children - as well as and drinking their blood in an attempt to live forever. President Donald Trump is battling this evil group, leading to a day of reckoning involving the mass arrest of politicians and public figures among them George Soros, Bill Gates, Tom Hanks and Oprah Winfrey.

This outlandish scenario, clearly not factually-based, is the theory behind QAnon, one of the most bizarre conspiracy theories of modern times. It originated online in the United States and quickly crossed into the real world. It has now gone global, spreading in Europe and boosted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

QAnon placards featuring the now-infamous Q symbol first appeared in Europe during demonstrations against Coronavirus restrictions in Berlin, London and Paris.

In Berlin in August, far right extremists waved QAnon banners and flags of the German Reich of 1871-1918 as they attempted to storm Germany’s parliament building.

Earlier this month, I reported from a major demonstration in the German city of Konstanz. where protesters gathered against government measures to contain the pandemic; it attracted groups of all political hues.

While the ban on displaying the more recognised symbols of extremism was observed, Qanon's theories - and symbols - were far from absent.

One protester told me that the German government was trying to divide people by introducing the measures:

"I find there is huge control (by) the state. I stand here for all people, also for QAnon, because QAnon also says we are being divided more and more.

“I pray for every person who manages to get away from the mainstream, I also want more people to wake up!

Researchers studying conspiracy theories say the pandemic has acted as a catalyst in boosting the popularity of QAnon, due to the uncertainty brought by COVID-19 - and by QAnon’s nebulous, insidious nature.

Chine Labbe is EU Managing Editor for NewsGuard - an organisation rating the trustworthiness of information websites and which has published a detailed report on the QAnon phenomenon in Europe.

Labbe says the QAnon theory is flexible enough to be interpreted and tailored by the individual:

“It's sort of a meta-conspiracy and it encompasses a lot of different ideas, theories that are very easily translatable.

"The idea that you have this Deep State being led by world elites and working against the saviours, represented by a few white hats in the world with Donald Trump and others, it's so easy to translate.

"For the French, it will involve Macron being described as a pawn of the Deep State.”

"For the Germans, it will be Merkel who's a puppet of the Deep State.”

”This vagueness, this plasticity, is how QAnon has attracted people across Europe with different ideologies - who can then pick and choose from a wide range of narratives. Some are anti-establishment, others are anti-vaccine. The basis behind the anti-COVID demonstrations and a belief in conspiracies partially overlap.

Other people that I spoke to in Konstanz told me they felt they were being manipulated and deliberately frightened, or that they were being 'muzzled' by COVID measures that they considered to be completely excessive.

Although QAnon has now crossed over into the real world, with people on the ground at demonstrations in Europe, social media first nurtured it. The number of QAnon-related Tweets rose from 5 million in 2017 to 12 million worldwide this year, with Germany ranking 5th and the UK second just behind the US.

Chine Labbe says the increase was dramatic:

“We identified about 450,000 followers across Europe on QAnon-specific accounts, groups, pages on social media and websites.

"In Europe it only started in late 2019, early 2020 and in just a few months, it's managed to amass an impressive amount of followers."

QAnon stands for Q-Anonymous, where Q might be someone in the Trump administration, or a military intelligence figure, or perhaps a high security officer with a Q clearance - the highest level of security clearance as required by the US Department of Energy, to access top-secret information on nuclear weapons.

Disinformation and misinformation are at the core of QAnon's communication techniques. It spreads no verifiable facts, sources or quotes. We found telling examples in Konstanz, although most participants in the protest were not self-declared QAnon supporters.

One man I spoke to said he was a doctor - and his views were "proven medicine". He refused to wear a mask and said that they killed children. Although he admitted this was unproven, he said it was "close to proven."

German police have denied one of the claimed deaths and also said there is no evidence to support the suggestion that any other children have died from wearing masks.

Another man I spoke to, dressed as a caveman, said people should not wear masks "but they have to have a strong immune system" which they could ensure by taking Vitamin D3.

I asked him if he was a doctor:

"No, I'm not a doctor, I'm an auto-mechanic. People who have Vitamin D3 don't die.

"The other people die. 98.9%. It’s a study from the Daily Mail (a British tabloid newspaper)".

The FBI has identified QAnon as a domestic terrorist threat; in the US, the movement has been linked to a killing, a separate armed stand-off and also to several arrests. In Europe, its supporters tend to come from the far right, especially in Germany.

Pia Lamberty, a German social psychologist potentially sheds light on QAnon’s success by suggesting people's self-esteem can be boosted by believing in conspiracy theories:

“You can feel unique by spreading conspiracy. You are the person who sees the truth.

"The others are all naïve, or part of the system or part of the conspiracy itself.

"In Germany, there's one term that's very widespread, it's called ‘sleeping sheep’ and this is how these people call those who are not believing in the conspiracy.

“The belief in conspiracy theories can lead to violence, it can be a radicalisation multiplier.

"We know from Germany that 25% of those who have this abstract conspiracy mentality say that they would use violence to fulfil their goals.”

QAnon has become mainstream in the United States and is openly supported by over 20 Republican candidates running for Congress. President Trump has not distanced himself from the movement, even days before the presidential election.

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Behind the Mirror

Over the course of my previous life, what I found particularly conspicuous is how people in certain positions of confidence had a tendency to degenerate into the so-called pseudologic fantastica regime. Not just people I knew, but similar folks in America and the UK. I would have thought nothing of it, were the symptoms not so characteristically identical, delving deeply into the pseudoscience of alleged alien visitation. Clearly something along the lines of 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate and scopolamine had addled the acetylcholine levels of their brain. Aside from that wacko in Halifax Transit, I have been aware of this since 1977 when a long time acquaintance got mixed up with some very dubious elements in NICAP after her alleged “hypnotic regressions” sanctioned by none other than J. Allen Hynek personally. She was also given some tapes, clearly full of subliminal triggers, and every time she listened to them, would go into an uncanny trance. You could wave a hand in front of her face, but she simply wasn’t there. I tried to persuade her to give me a copy, but to no avail. Her mind would simply shut down at the mere hint of an attempt to penetrate that bodyguard of lies. That was around the time Dr. Jacques Vallee was assigned by the UN to investigate the growing number of alleged alien abduction claims, only to find out that most were in fact false memory implants. Needless to say, that was the bomb he dropped at the Geneva symposium that year, especially pointing the finger at Hynek and his following. I noticed similar mental triggers and blocks in my brother’s ex-wife, who was one of only 3 surviving recruits subjected to similar experiments in the military. My father inclined to call it “military madness” but I noticed such patterned behaviour extended well into the public community of all that seems controversial and eventually the media. I see it in such individuals as Simon Parkes, David Icke and the hoard of conspiracy theorists from Groomlake and the likes, say nothing of ex-defence ministers with claims of allegiances with Venusians and Martians. I guess astrophysics was never their strong suit.. Friends in the UK, say it’s no mere rumour that Mi6 has been dabbling in that ever since the days of the Golden Dawn and Allister Crowley. Indeed, I’ve had my run-ins with such disinformation agents in the UK pagan community but fortunately the Verfassungsschutz doesn’t side with such violations of freedom of thought, so their sock puppet threats went in one ear and down the street.

I’ve only ever seen it come from the English speaking community, especially those in security and intelligence, but most quite unwitting of themselves. There were relentless attempts to talk at me over everything from UFOs down to 12 thousand year old pyramids. Heaven forbid, the old Prussian logic in me reeled at the thought of such numpties holding any position of responsibility talking deleterious gobshite like that. There was a time it had a grip on me too, until I fled the country and took a sabbatical. Then after long deconditioning and removing all dubious elements from my life, in the end I was finally sound of mind again. I think the worst part was overcoming the mentally disabling effects of whatever those spooks were slipping into our condiments in that period up to 1984...but still, being surrounded by so much narcissism and other personality disorders; amid the inane power struggles; was always a challenge to one’s sanity. Yeah, let’s blame the Russians but I’ve had my run-ins with their disinformation agents too, which is pretty much a joke unless you’re fool enough to fall for all that ancient aliens crap or the false flag pseudo-controversial blatherings of RT. Between them and Fux News, I’ll stick with none of the above. Nonetheless, it’s plain to see what some illuminutters in these realms have ruthlessly stooped to, undermining free will and, above all, any healthy better judgment. Now that Covid-19 inclines to even the score, where are your mindless minions now? Don’t be surprised if you find them among the growing number of alt-right anti-vaxers, after all, in all your inconsequence you unwittingly put them where they are. These people are not only fucked for life but determined to take everyone down with them.

Thursday, 22 October 2020

SHADOWS OF THE PAST (a very long rant)

I was pretty downcast when we left Germany for Nova Scotia back in 1971. I was 17 and the drinking age was 19, say nothing of alcohol only being served in bars and liquor stores. After having worked in pubs and discos in Germany, this was pretty condescending. Social life was nil until I got back into high school, which was also odd to say the least. I was still into cannabis and LSD until I gave up the latter in 1973. The only reason I had started it was on a premonition of some spooky shit heading my way. I knew I needed to condition myself against some serious psychoterror, but don’t ask me why. I just knew it was coming my way regardless of where or when. One night I was fixing some clothing when a strange feeling of being watched overcame me.  

I found my mother’s binoculars and chanced a look at a boarding house across the way. There was a small red light I could see in that window, and at a closer look, I discovered it was a video camera pointed my way. I quickly dropped the binoculars and closed the curtains, completely baffled by this. Over time I learned this was some military spook with alleged connections to the RCMP. These shenanigans carried on the entire time I was stuck in NS. Every job I applied for got sabotaged by this git telling them whatever nonsense about me most likely to put them off.

The bastard even followed me to British Columbia when my father dragged me there for four months. Fortunately, I spend most of my time in the wilds of the Soowali reserve with native friends. I also got to know the chief narcotics agent of the region (working undercover), who assured me I wasn’t a person of interest, but he did warn me there were other elements on my case, though he wasn’t sure what. Either way, it wasn’t about drugs, which puzzled me even more. Unfortunately, my stalker must have got wind of this and told the local junkies at the lake park that I was in cahoots with this undercover guy. I had nothing to do with these cretins, but they were always around making threats when I was passing through on my way to Vedder Crossing. I told my father what was happening, and that I needed to get out of there pronto. I managed to get as far as Winnipeg until my flight got bumped by a bunch of politicians. That’s when I encountered a man who would later prove to be my next stalker. While I was bunkered down there, my baggage was definitely searched.

When I finally returned to NS, the creep was back with a vengeance. We wound up on the base quarters while the creep lodged his trailer in the neighbouring park, instigating the children there to taunt me and my brother wherever they could. When I attended free school on the Dalhousie campus, several friends got encroached to no avail and they informed me. At the time some weirdo from Brunswick Towers in Halifax got involved with close friends also living there. This guy was some ex-hell’s angels type rehabilitated from prison time for armed robbery. He had some secret plan to make off with a bunch of gold coins, him and his cohorts had fished out some cove. It didn’t take long before I started having the most lucid premonitions about the whole affair, and withdrew all contact for fear he would realize how much I could see. He knew about my abilities, unfortunately everyone knew, even my school teachers, because of so many incidents where I unwittingly let the cat out of the bag, answering questions before they were asked, or asking about things before they even happened. I felt so time warped, it was all like some recurring nightmare, and I just wanted to get as far away from it all as possible...but no, this weirdo just wouldn’t back off. He hitched up with my friend Anne, taking up some courses in Dalhousie. Whenever I stopped for a coffee and a sandwich, there they were trying to embroil me in their plans. I knew well not to accept that invite to his boat. Nor was I convinced of it being lost at sea, despite Anne’s insistence that all those visions were just wishful thinking. Needless to say, he pitched up at a party some six months later looking for me, but I knew better than be there. At the same time I knew a guy from Halifax Transit, also on my case about some alleged meeting with aliens in the remote outback of New Brunswick. Yeah right.

I swear this guy was under some kind of hypnotic suggestion. When he spoke, it was like something else was speaking behind that cold blank stare. There wasn’t even an eye twitch when I waved my hand before his face. I knew in an instant it wasn’t aliens just itching to get their hands on me.

I talked to my father again, summing up the odds of shit happening if I don’t leave the country soonest. We had already my mother and brother over in Germany, so I pulled my bank account, quit my job and high-tailed it across the Atlantic.

This time peace prevailed about a year and a half until the next vision came. It was the man in Winnipeg, he was coming to Germany to take over where the last creep left off. When I was called in to renew my visa, they told me I was entitled to German citizenship due to my mother’s refugee status but because of my father’s NATO status it would be postponed until his service expired. Well, in 1977 my father insisted I take up a job on base. That lasted until a captain at the AMU referred me to a graphic job in HQ. I applied and got it, although the contentions from all sides were pretty heavy. Still. I thought what the hell, I’m just doing time until I finally see the end of this cold war and all that my family lost through it before assuming my German citizenship in a free Europe.

It certainly proved to be an uphill battle, and god only knows why these spooks were still on my case. I was heading back from lunch when I saw that creep one last time, driving past in that ugly yellow Pontiac. Then as I sat back in my office, I remember the cold chill that came over me as I looked to that window of the next building and saw his replacement watching over me, very much intent.

It was 1980 when all hell escalated. So many pitfalls at work trying to put me in a compromising situation, like I was some kind of threat to who knows what. My circle of private friends was very small, and they were encroached in much the same manner as before, even run off the road at night. Interestingly it only happened on the civilian side, never whenever I had to attend military functions. The daily harassment on the job came from all sides, often trying to interfere with priority jobs from the senior staff and beyond. By April I was on the verge of a collapse. My brain just shut down so I went on a month’s medical leave. I don’t know what the doctor found in the blood tests, but he tried to raise a stink with some undisclosed military authority. I can only guess what that was about but he was silenced with threats to have his GP’s license revoked. I was finally able to work through May and then in July, then the help of a colleague in admin enabled me to take a few weeks Sabbatical in Iceland. Of course a number of people in HQ got all hyped about that. “Why Iceland, why not Tenerifa or the Riviera?”. Sorry, but I never was North American enough to be inspired by such tourist traps. “You’re talking to somebody who was in Czechoslovakia at 14, just months before Prague Spring invasion and traveled much of Europe alone at the age of 16.” No, they never understood that. They never understood that my grandfather spent 5 years in the dreaded political labour camp outside Hameln for shaking his fist and shouting “Hitler verrecke” at the Gestapo. False senses of nationalism were never our venue.

Well, the strangest thing happened in Keflavik when I passed through customs. The customs officer came over and told me he had received a phone call from certain authorities asking about me. He said don’t worry it’s none of their business anyway, so enjoy your time in Iceland. I just smiled and thanked him kindly, knowing I would somehow find out who it was when I got back. Indeed the vacation was enjoyable and quite the learned experience I had hoped it would be. No surprise though that I spotted my new stalker passing by in a car as I was on my way back to the guesthouse. Of course they encroached the one friend that I made, trying to lure me back to Canada with immigration promises to him, but I was not bent on marrying. In fact, whatever their profile on me, they clearly had it all wrong.

When I got back, a friend from the AMU dropped by. I asked her if anything strange happened while I was away. She said yeah, the Base Commander was all up in arms about someone and wanted booking info on commercial flights from Frankfurt to London. Someone by the name of Kate May...I laughed. That’s my legal name, I told her. The name Giesela was adopted in school by my parents screwing up the records. “Oh shit, but why? “ “Your guess is as good as mine”, I replied and told her to forget it. Aside from frequent visits from the major of AMU, things finally died down and I carried on as usual. Then the stalker started getting ever more reproachful with his weird requests, eventually pushing some young corporal at me that was a real head case. To make matters worse, she became romantically involved with my brother, trying to embroil me with other cretins that were less than savoury while the stalker kept lurking around our house in his car.

When my brother married her, she of course got transferred to the base orderly room. When it came time for her posting to Maritime Command, somebody tried to delete me and my brothers’s records from the computer. That set off an alert in Heidelberg, and all hell broke loose when that part of the network shut down on the ruse of flood damage. You don’t try to mess with anyone’s files in Wiesbaden, especially if they have a high clearance. It was yet another case of WTF were you thinking. Fortunately I was in Iceland again at the time, and when I got back, the culprit got himself fired. Still, I had a bitch of a time getting my brother on that flight when the time came, even though the legalities of the marriage were international. With the help of the command social worker, we finally got my brother through the ordeal. In Halifax, however, he wound up in the hospital with some mystery disease that had him in isolation for near a month. She finally got discharged from the military on a medical release and they wound up on her father’s farm in Hamstead, NB. Meanwhile on the home front, shit had escalated to the point of break with the stalker’s new cohort that took Ruth’s place in the base orderly room. I actually foresaw that arrangement in a series of waking visions, even the blighter in NDHQ he was answering to. Needless to say, he freaked out when I passed that on to the rumour gallery. This sent him on drunken driving binges around my house until he crashed into that street sign at the end of the village.

There was other weird shit also going on, like regular visits from an SIU plonker giving courses in “telepathic hypnosis”. After his friends failed to lure me into seeking employment in Ottawa, he returned to Edmonton where he continued to give courses to the RCMP. What a load of spook and humbug. One look into my eyes and he ran off scared shitless. The lassitude of those who should have been protecting me from such obvious coercion, instead acted in contempt of whatever my failure to reciprocate their social expectations, or simply denied it all as some allegedly paranoid delusion. Naturally, it became clear to me just how much the system had become subverted by this curse out of shear blatant ignorance. No doubt it would have been easier for them to throw us expendable civilians to the wolves than rock the boat at the risk of falling down the ranks. To this day it annoys me to no end just what a sham it was all turning into.

That’s when I decided to discuss the matter with friends in the liaison office of the local German territorial command. We were not only being spied upon, but psychogens et al were involved, very much in violation of the Geneva Convention. Unlike my Canadian colleagues, they did not try to pass this off as some paranoid figment, but forthwith contacted the Militärische Aussendienst to investigate. In the weeks that followed, I watched as the white mercedes with government plates closed in on these blighters. Foolishly enough, my stalker and his cohort paid an unsolicited visit while I was asleep, just to interrogate me as to what was going on. Whatever that drug was, they got nothing but a bunch of drivel that would have paled the likes of Stephen King. I told them I represented some secret organization of psychics scattered across the planet to keep an eye on things. “They know all about you. Hear that car driving past? Well they’re onto you, so you better run.” (sardonic laugh), That’s when the two freaked and left in quite a frenzy. Indeed that Mercedes was driving down that farm road next to the house and must have caught them in the act of leaving. I could have thought I was dreaming if it wasn’t for that itching needle mark on my arm, but then my unconscious mind is so hard wired, I’ve even been able to wake myself out of a synthetic coma. I guess all that LSD conditioning finally paid off.

Suddenly, about 50 people got a 48 hour posting notice to leave the country, no questions asked. I was assured by a couple of intelligence guys, that it was over, and if anything like this should happen again, to contact them. Of course they couldn’t tell me what any of that shite was really about. Like I'm really supposed to trust that. It was 1984, which is a tad ironic. Trudeau was finally done as Prime Minister, and it was as if a great weight was lifted. In the years that followed, some degree of normality seemed to prevail despite all power struggles in the Ottawa political scene.

That all ended when defense decided to buy the F-18 instead of the more reliable modified F-15. The technology was much too advanced for the usual standards of fighter training. After 5 of them crashed due to pilot error, the national budget went out the window. I knew it would be downhill from there. Finally the wall came down, and what does some jerk from intelligence tell me; "Oh they'll disband NATO and the Russians will take over, and blah and blah and blah". In all these years I worked with these blighters, I don't think any of them ever had a clue how allegiances work in the real world...but it didn't matter. As far as I was concerned, my job was done. Germany became one again and family reunited. At the time too many people I dreaded, had found their way into higher command and certainly as a German, I would never hear the end of it. Relatives in Canada had already branded me a traitor for leaving their beloved country, as clueless as they were to the privy council and the 21 families that ran the whole show. I don't know what it is about North Americans in general, but they never could identify with anything beyond that white picket fence mentality.

When they started closing this place down, I made that decision I had promised myself long ago, and pulled the pin. I surely didn’t want to find myself in Ottawa or Geilenkirchen and for what? My father remained embroiled in that dilemma until he finally died in 2008. After my mother died in 2013, I was finally able to leave all traces of that past behind me and lead a relatively normal life. Still, sometimes I wonder, but then my so-called sixth sense tells me the answer is so stupid, it’s just as well I burned those bridges behind me. After all, I’m out of the gray zone, with all due democratic rights a citizen of Europe and treated with respect as such.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

When in Rome...

I don't care what anyone says, but Sharija has been a problem on the continent for some time, particularly France and Germany. France has an even harder time with it, mainly due to its dual nationality agreements with what was once their north African colonies. Basically, Sharija does not fare well with our constitutions, and as a result these communities tend to territorially isolate themselves from the rest, in the growing belief that we should owe them retributions for all the damage colonialism has done them. Naturally, that is exactly where fundamentalism finds its stronghold in the quest to overthrow the so-called "morally corrupt Western Infidels". This is clear in all the incidents that followed the attack on the offices of "Charlie Hebdo" and countless public markets, and now recently a history teacher in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, near Paris. I'm not talking about ethnicity here, rather, people who believe their ideology to be above the criminal code, so STFU you nazis. Neither of you should even be allowed in this country, regardless what double-talk on the premise of humanitarianism. There's nothing humanitarian about killing people just because you think your ideology has been humiliated...and that goes for all fundamentalists, Christian or otherwise.

End of Rant.