Tuesday, 5 December 2017
And then there were none...
Friday, 1 December 2017
Cognitive Distortion and Selective Abstraction
This pretty well describes the fashion statement of Wicca these days. Its all about the gospel of Llewellyn authors and pilgrimages to the esoteric shops of Sedona, Salem or Glastonbury; cherry-picking the ancient mysteries of foreign culture without having to go the distance. A convenient subterfuge for identity crisis, seeking to be exceptional, beyond the mundanities of social norm, while resorting to the same politics of sycophancy and exclusion as the evangelism they allegedly oppose- grasping at the straws of forbidden grimoires on much the same quest for the holy grail. Coming on like they fell out of a Shakespearean prop room just doesn't cut it with me, especially spouting that dogma they call the „rede“ like some kind of holier than thou. Oh really?
Yeah, we all come from the god-ass or didn’t you know?
If divine intervention or some similar empowerment is what you're really looking for, then go back to your church where you belong. I don't need all that spook to summon what my mental faculties are already capable of, and that in fully practical application.
Thursday, 23 November 2017
Cunning craft vs. Witchcraft
Hence my work with causality is actually an applied science using whatever faculties happen to be at my disposal in whatever time and place. As far as the German mentality is concerned, it's all mind over matter, regardless whether you write a sonnet, dig a garden, build or repair something or form a gathering; its an empowerment of will into physical result. In all my travels and wilderness experience, I learned that communication with others is not just on the verbal level. There are subtler aspects of the senses that also communicate, although with most people, quite unconsciously. This is where I've employed shape-shifting, invisibility, and other forms of telepathic hypnosis. By the same reasoning, you can ward people and animals off, influence their moods or even their dreams. This sense of causality is by no means linear, rather like a spider on a huge web, senses every motion and disturbance coming one's way; after all, everything is relative. I could go on and on, but this is generally how cunning craft works. The best part is that it requires little in the way of conjuring, let alone summoning things better left undisturbed.
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
The Temple of Diana at Nemi

Monday, 14 August 2017
Evolution 101
In researching the latest archaeological finds and theories, I also explore any forensic DNA studies involved. This gives me a pattern of population shifts I can compare to environmental changes, for a bigger picture of causality. Just as animals tend to migrate for more favourable conditions so do people. For instance, the Y-DNA haplogroup R appears to have once centered in the Black Sea area. That they dispersed in all navigatable directions in fits and starts to such far reaches, suggests erratic enviromental changes, making even agriculture unsustainable. The effects of climate change tend to vary with the nature of whatever the geophysical construct. In the Black Sea area it was two fold: one being its innundation by tectonic shifts subsequent of glacial withdrawl hence rising sea levels. This, in turn. changed weather patterns, hence putting it in the rain shadow of the Balkans. Of course the added salinity to the sea put a damper on it as an irrigation source, whereas the loss of oxygenation in that murky flood washed brine didn't help sea life much either...and so these ancestors pulled pegs and moved on.
Taking the digs at Gobekli Tepe into consideration, many theorists had to revise their ideas of „civilization“. In fact, it seems our quest for meaning goes back to even before painting the Lascaux caves. Despite popular belief, ingenuity was not necessarily born out of comfort, rather wherever sheer desperation needed it to survive, and that includes preserving one's sanity from a bleak outlook in life. Take the case of zookeeping for example; it is not enough to feed animals, nurse them and provide them a habitat. They need to be amused, entertained, interactive in some way or another. They are learning, evolving, like any other creature on this planet, otherwise they lose the will to live.
Now having said this, I come to the subject of genealogy, that too many still try to idealize in racist terms. Evolution does not occur by heredity alone, but by the challenges it has to face. Changes in environment or circumstance have always been the test of time. It can turn any number of genes on or off even within a generation, reviving old genetic templates thought to have long gone extinct. I have my suspicions this could be the case for those latent neanderthal genes. As for the term „haplogroup“, it implies decendants that are more or less related, but not necessarily to just that group- unless they were extremely isolated, or dramatically reduced by some form of disaster; essentially doomed to inbreeding if they couldn't find a viable mate elsewhere. So, forget stupid ideals of „racial purity“ or keeping it all „in the family“, let alone eugenics. These are sure ways to guarantee the extinction of your own future generations.
These days, the biggest tomfoolery is DNA tests that evaluate in terms of nationality. While certain genetic variations can be typical in certain areas, its markers can only serve an estimation of geographical origin. Nationalities come and go as collective needs and circumstances change over the course. I've had my share of head bashing with numpties who take Celtic or Germanic as some kind of race marker...and then there's the bunch who think Celtiberians were their only true forefathers. Maybe they need to read the Irish Chronicles a little more thoroughly and be done with it. It only goes to show you that racism can come in forms far subtler than the arrogance of Aryanism. Does being a German citizen immersed in Alemannic culture make me a Nazi? Rubbish. „Alemanne“ is an ancient term „allmen“ refering to people of no specific clan who came about through travel and trade along the Rhine.
Tuesday, 8 August 2017
Activism in the Bizarro World
As much as I may feel inspired by some form of altruism, too many people are simply putting on airs for want of peer worship. It has become such an unfortunate sham of protagonistic narcissism, either riding the moral paradox of good versus evil, or crusading some Utopian ideal as if it were really all that simple. Given the opportunity to plaster their mugs all over the world wide web, the fashion statements are insurmountable to what's going on in the real world, and that without the least effort to fact check their sources. I see health icons secretly gorging themselves with fast food, misogynists pretending to be pro-feminist, alleged naturalists living in the urban sprawl who can't even grow their own petunias in window boxes. Say nothing of animal lovers who freak out when their pets bring home a fresh kill to return the favour. Then there's the ones who plaster your FB wall with all kinds of graphic horror in their vain attempts at emotional blackmail for donations, and do I really give a shit what your sexual orientation? I mean, seriously... So please don't come onto me with your pseudo-spiritual RPG, proverbial holier than thou, and theatrics for tribal dilettantes. I am not inclined to take things for face value. I reserve my altruisms for those who really mean it on the home front. Now go and nail yourselves to a cross elsewhere.
End of rant.
Monday, 26 June 2017
Why I Celebrate...
...Birthdays? I’ve always had my share of bah-humbug wannabe critics and ankle pissers trying to lament me with their all too obvious lack of character. I remember being confronted by one party pooper who came onto me with that question like I was violating the laws of universal misery. She said, “a birthday is just another year closer to death”. I laughed sardonically and replied; “okay, let’s get things in the right perspective here, this isn’t about celebrating age, rather, having survived yet another year on this fucking planet of gene-manipulated simians and still being able to laugh about it”.
Wednesday, 7 June 2017
Oh Joy...
Well it’s June again and things are going to shit at the speed of light, as is usually the case leading up to my birthday. Got a mountain of paperwork to kill, say nothing of the thousand euro back payment of utilities, and now my EU ID card is about to expire. Managed to find a photographer in the village, and actually I’m quite impressed. For once I don’t look like one of those wanted poster mugs in the post office. Then I buggered off to the gas station in the next village, went to the bank across the street and once I was cashed up, went back to fill my tank and get some stamps. Surprisingly, I came face to face with the local clergy. She smiled and shook my hand, asking me how I was keeping. This I found a tad weird as she usually gives me this leery look knowing I’m an absolute heathen. Perhaps word has got around about my work with the elderly in the community but then I’ve been fooled before. I just smiled and acknowledged, paid my tally, then sped off for the supermarket in the other neighbouring village. One of the elderly ladies wanted some nectarines but they’re still rock hard. Must have been another bad spring in the Med, so I advised her to wait for the second crop. Met an old friend who’s boxing his way through some nasty cancer treatment so I stuck around for a bit, then went home before the rush-hour madness ensued. At least my tomatoes and cucumbers are doing well in all this yoyo weather that’s got everyone wound up pending the full moon.
Thursday, 6 April 2017
Modern Witchcraft

What calls itself "modern witchcraft" these days I find ridiculous beyond belief. Not only is it a throwback to 15th century Christian superstition, but they try to role model it as if so-called witches really existed the way the inquisitions tried to confabulate it. Seeing that, I'm inclined to doubt whatever their claims to paganism. Having thoroughly examined what derives itself from Gerald Gardner's Wicca, I find it really just a convoluted mess of Hermetic mysticism with much romanticized pickings of ethnicity; if not hackneyed Middle Eastern formulae for claims of supernatural lineage. That the lobbies of "it is written" blatantly ignore any real anthropology, is only typical of Holy Roman academia, especially the attitude of what's "civilized" or not. Then, on the other hand, we have the insular druids, who profess a long Phoenician/Celtiberian oral tradition; claiming the rest were just blood offering tree worshippers according to Tacitus. It just doesn't sit with them that us continentals were just as much Celtic as Germanic.
To make matters worse, America's rather idealized representations of old world culture has led to all kinds of fantasy on ethnicity itself. It inclines to Disneyworld and Hollywood expectations, more apt to alienate than actually relate to anything outside its own language barriers. Hence, the selling of snake oil by outcast religious fanatics has grown into a new age pulp fiction empire of esoterica pillaged from every corner of the earth. Say nothing of Salem's lot with their "witchier than thou" assuming a tradition that goes back to the Gothic delusions of their ergot addled puritan ancestors. So, what exactly was that witchcraft tradition other than painting Hagal runes on barns? The prats even have the audacity to push such pseudo-history on me, as if I didn't know the difference.
"Cunningcraft" across Europe was on the same parallel in society as the skill of artisans and other talents. This is well illustrated in the Story of Wieland the Smith. The mentality behind it is clear in the German word "Geist" which not only refers to "spirit" but the individual driving force behind human consciousness and its creativity. It shows a tendency to animism that Holy Roman doctrine never really could come to terms with, especially insisting on delivering their dogma strictly in Latin. Education was a Catholic institution reserved for the gentry. Trying to explain the bible to the illiterate peasantry was the task of monks in the form of oral allegory using pictorial animal representations. In this way Catholicism reserved all rights as a mystery religion just as the Nicene Creed had intended it. Exploiting the fear of mortality, between supernatural threat and divine persecution, was common practice. Heaven forbid if you strive for anything above humble obedience to your peers.
By the 15th century, feudalism in central Europe had become such a regime of the greedy that the common folk could no longer burden the heavy tributes. These were apocalyptic times, plague ravaged and full of dissent. The protestant rebellion was in-fighting as to whose reformation should dictate the trend. Hence, the witch hunts were not so much about conjurers, but a convenient means of scapegoating. Martin Luther himself was inclined to blame the Jews for everything since the persecution of Christ, while Cabalism had always been considered sorcery by the Nicene Creed. Where do you think the term "Hexensabbat" really came from?
The patrimony of feudalism was a jealously guarded domain of the church. Particularly unfavourable was to be a single woman, regardless of whether you were a widow or not. If you didn't want to be forced into an arranged marriage, your only option was life in a convent. Midwives and their herbalists were also targets of suspicion, often blamed for miscarriages or congenital defects. Epilepsy was suspect of demonic possession, say nothing of the delusions from ergot infested rye. Most still had a limited scope of natural causality, let alone personal hygiene. On the other hand, documents like the Malleus Maleficarum come across as practically pornographic. Ironically, the author Heinrich Kramer himself was banished from Innsbruck, suspect of his investigations being sexually motivated. Nonetheless, thanks to language barriers, the old animist mentality still managed to survive all that. Not even Hitler, with his racist regime of quasi-Holy Roman spins on Germania, could undermine the old traditions.
Frankly I have no use for Christian theology at all, seeing how much of it was badly plagiarized from the works of Hebraic refugees (and that with every intent to deprive them of their ethnic identity). In fact that old Greco-Roman spin on things just leaves me cold...not that I would want to bury myself in the teachings of the Zohar either. Thus, any Renaissance mix of John Dee with Christian Rosenkreuz and Fucanelli doesn't beguile me much either. The same goes for all that Edda-thumping "reconstructed" heathenry trying to hard sell their "allfather" as something synonymous with Christian god. No surprise that England is heading down that same nazistic track as America these days.
I think I've travelled far and wide enough, immersed in so many languages and cultures, to know that psychic ability comes from within, regardless what your artifice. Throw too many twists into the equation and you only end up confusing the issue. What is important, is to understand the ancestral course of events that led to your being, what some may call "tapping the bone" because that is where the real memory prevails, beyond what spoken or written word can truly encompass (although it does help to learn the language). Know yourself.
Saturday, 28 January 2017
Scorched Earth
Saturday, 21 January 2017
A Word of Warning
People, you need to get a life. The problem with narcissists is how they gain a captive audience by threat or solicitation, playing you into that futile paradox of us or them; where they can always be at the center of your attention (and divert you from anything personally creative that might challenge their lack of intellect). These are emotionally debase and underdeveloped individuals who, being totally dependent on others doing their bidding, simply know no other way of enforcing themselves. They seek security in numbers, usually sycophants and peons and if they can't outright humiliate you, they make up any lie or ugly rumour to take you down. Try to ignore them and they'll stalk you. Try to retaliate and they'll put the blame on you. Inevitably they will try to outlaw any form of opposition while encapsulating themselves in privilege. I could go on about all the tactics they conspire to have their ultimate way, but the bottom line is, it means the politics of punishment and exclusion of those who fail to conciliate and conform to whatever their double-standards until no one is left to make the necessary repairs- and by that time it's already too late. I could suggest all sorts of ways to overcome this, but the main thing is to keep your sanity and not be allured into this stigma by any knee-jerk reactions to their bodyguard of lies. Read Sun Tzu's “Art of War“ if you really want to know how to deal with the problem. If not, prepare to abandon ship. Educate yourselves.