Friday, 22 January 2016

Why I hate Vegetarians

Every day when I look at my FB wall, some tosser is preaching vegetarianism. While I prefer my sources locally bio-dynamic and avoid most processed foods, the fact is I have a lethal intolerance to nitrates. Do you even know what that means? Do you realize how many condiments or their ingredients I have to avoid? That means no fast food, no dining out in unfamiliar places, no musli, sunflower oil, soja, green veg, E250 processed meats. and a host of herbal ingredients. So fuck off you lot and save the consumer horror stories. Do you honestly think animals are the only thing that’s been overdomesticated on this planet? Unlike you, some of us didn’t have the convenience of supermarkets in our youth, rather, learned to hunt, fish and forage. We do not fare well with your designer foods, albeit, animal, vegetable or mineral. Obviously life has been too good to you that you feel some insatiable need to preach at the very victims of your stigma. So STFU and push your nonsense elsewhere.