Friday, 8 July 2016
The Stupid of Ancient Aliens
Oh leave me in peace with that shite. It's bad enough that some station, that dares to call itself a History Channel, has nothing better to present. Ask yourselves what kind of intelligence wastes the resources of one planet just to make it another's problem? Maybe you wore out your Space Odyssey video or overdosed on Von Däniken and Sitchen. Just because you have an addiction to mindless euphoria, in a vain quest for some „higher being“ to save your sorry mundane ass, doesn't mean the rest of us should and for what? You talk about conspiracies and cover-ups but obviously don't know the meaning of false flagging or cult brainwashing, so save it for your guru, useless sheeple who just can't cope with being a speck in the whole quantum mechanism called existence. I'm sure if you spent more time enjoying the scenery you might grasp how it all really fits together and learn something useful like recycling. Yeah, do the world a favour.
Monday, 4 July 2016
Smoke and Mirrors Part II
Just saw that git Farage on the news again. He wants to step down to be an MEP and rally his racist collaborators across the EU to subvert it from within. If this is his idea of getting his life back, it isn't hard to guess what kind of power trip he's on. Obviously Britain's not enough in that hostage taking game, he wants the whole cake and eat it too. He must be talking about some previous life, because he's been quoting way too much out of „Mein Kampf“.
In Germany, our neo-nazi problem is essentially a bunch of DDR throwbacks in Sachsen-Anhalt. We're talking about the spoonfed sort who had gov't sponsored everything when the wall came down. They don't like giving up that special treatment to anyone else. What they didn't have, though, was the social skills that came from doing proper business and trade with others. In Italy, fascism was always a throwback to Roman empire elitism. Not sure what the racists in the Benelux are really after, considering how long the Netherlands has been a mercantile system of hanseatic trade much like Venice and Hamburg. The same goes for France and its colonies. In fact this whole quasi-nationalist/racist trend serves no business sense whatsoever. How does it propose to maintain itself or is this Sparta they're talking about? Nope, I can't see it. Sounds like nihilism to me.
In Germany, our neo-nazi problem is essentially a bunch of DDR throwbacks in Sachsen-Anhalt. We're talking about the spoonfed sort who had gov't sponsored everything when the wall came down. They don't like giving up that special treatment to anyone else. What they didn't have, though, was the social skills that came from doing proper business and trade with others. In Italy, fascism was always a throwback to Roman empire elitism. Not sure what the racists in the Benelux are really after, considering how long the Netherlands has been a mercantile system of hanseatic trade much like Venice and Hamburg. The same goes for France and its colonies. In fact this whole quasi-nationalist/racist trend serves no business sense whatsoever. How does it propose to maintain itself or is this Sparta they're talking about? Nope, I can't see it. Sounds like nihilism to me.
Now, just in case you're wondering what David Icke's mug is doing on there, well it should be pretty obvious that he's an MK-Ultra shill, like all the rest of those glorified spin doctors. No surprise that his following are like throwbacks from a bad 1950's Sci Fi, Welcome to the flat earth society.
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Smoke and Mirrors
Okay so you voted out, not because you support racism, but want to see the great back in Britain? Well that's your call. As for the rest of us Europeans, we have our own matters to contend with, let alone the mess you've already left behind. As much as we regret your decision, it's not so much your choice that disappoints us, but through what lobby you made that choice, unaware that its not just the UK they want, but have their perpetrators in our countries as well, trying to divide us. In fact, this was the game plan your oh so well meaning Nigel Farage related to me on FB, before I blocked his impertinent ass. I am a German, you have no idea what the Nazis did to my mother and her family. I know the polemic and the blame-shifting smear campaigns, and there it was all over my FB wall. I told a friend of mine to knock it off, that's when he pitched up and it just got worse. I told him to bugger off, I'm not a member of his constituency. So, he started pushing the AfD and Front Nationale at me and that's when I pulled the plug. Conspiracy theory? Yeah, tell me it’s just a figment of my paranoid imagination. Go ahead and sue me you bastard.
Now you wonder why your parties are falling apart for all the resignations and in-fighting? It's called the tactics of division to give the instigator an uncontested majority he couldn't get through a proper election. If you want to call that a democracy then you obviously don't know the difference between solidarity and segregation. Save the proselytizing and see the blame game for what it is. There are no angry mobs taking to the streets around here, just his cronies. It's not like us Germans don't know the duplicities that come with that kind of talk. Your problem if you don't think it could happen to you, because it just did.
I remember Gary and the Arthurian Legends. It would have been very interesting if it were true, but that was obviously not what it was really about. It was this strange thing they call patriotism under the flag of St.George. Then one day he asked if I would sign the petition to support the British troops in Afghanistan. This was probably the last time I had to explain that I'm a German citizen, resident in Germany. My vote doesn't qualify- that aside the fact that our own troops are out there on a limb too. Needless to say, I got unfriended. Now had it been an EU petition, I would have seen sense in signing it.Or I could have said "thank you I've signed it because it's such a good thing", and leave him satisfied with himself. This was the strange thing about that particular lot, like trying to speak with them from behind a mirror, but I got tired of it.
Now you wonder why your parties are falling apart for all the resignations and in-fighting? It's called the tactics of division to give the instigator an uncontested majority he couldn't get through a proper election. If you want to call that a democracy then you obviously don't know the difference between solidarity and segregation. Save the proselytizing and see the blame game for what it is. There are no angry mobs taking to the streets around here, just his cronies. It's not like us Germans don't know the duplicities that come with that kind of talk. Your problem if you don't think it could happen to you, because it just did.
Brexit Fecksit
Frankly, I'd rather not think about it, because it's not like anything I say is going to change anything, but I'm still gonna say it anyway because it's not like I didn't see it coming. I remember my first time in London back in 1967, the trendy fashions of Carnaby street. A nice hot cup of Typhoo in a little Soho sandwich shop to escape that perpetual grey. We even met Michael Caine running a colourful little souvenir stand on the Strand, demonstrating how to speak cockney. In those days the common market was still in its baby steps and each had its own unique blend of wares and ideas. The shear diaspora of it really seemed so magical. Despite all unstable exchange rates, people still had the freedom to be personally creative to at least maintain some kind of continuity in their lives. When it all became the EEC that changed, not because of the tariff agreements, but the greed of big business, cheap mass production (and of course OPEC) swallowing up all the small competitors. They dictated the trend and then enforced their own restrictions. There the demon of globalization began to raise its ugly head. It didn't matter where I went, it was all the same rubbish, nor did the standards ensure quality. Of course when that market overdid it, they expected governments to bail them out or face massive unemployment, then fired them anyway. Loans to plug the deficit never got paid and without a viable GNP, taxpayers couldn't foot the bill either. Then 9/11 did the rest on the foregone promise of Iraqi oil. It didn't matter if us Europeans didn't buy it, the world banks centralized anyway, and failing this, foreclosed, and demanded their bailouts too; then came Spain, Italy and Greece. Germany's been scraping bottom since the wall came down, but still everyone takes us for some kind of socialist utopia, thriving on impossible riches stashed in some unheard of off-shore account. All these stupid demands for preferential treatment, threatening to throw the baby out with the bath water just leaves us cold. Did Norway make a fuss or threats when they opted out for the less demanding EEA arrangement? Don't talk to me about Iceland, because they still owe the central bank more than they can ever pay off, no matter what they do.
I remember the Dover ferry, all those whiners hanging around the duty free, always complaining about the EC and avoiding us foreigners like we had something contagious. I don't think I've ever heard them not complain about the EEC, the EU or how us foreigners are just not like them, as if we should feel obligated. Well, guess what, I could say the same of them because it seems no matter where I've tried to communicate with that lot, they're too full of themselves to make sense of anyone else. So, don't cry at me about all the lies you've been told when you can't fess up to your own stupid mistakes. You've sold out to your own inner schweinehund, so you're just gonna have to sink or swim like the rest of us. No preferential treatment, you had your chance too many times already, like the foolish child who kept crying wolf. You have yet to learn that the enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend if you keep playing the blame game.
P.S. Note that I am addressing this rant to the sheeple who think the bully-boy vigilante tactics of undermining partnerships through blame shifting defamation, especially motivated by the unlikeliest promises, is anything other than a narcissistic want of its own absolute power. So you say its not about racism. Ask yourself what UKIP and its affiliates like the AfD and the Front Nationale stand to gain from breaking up the whole EU? You don’t think so? Most didn’t think so about the Beer-Hall Putsch either.
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Cultural Mis-identity
I often get the typical assertions from North American neo-pagans that they're ethnically some kind of nationality or another. What they often forget is this thing we call „Zeitgeist“, namely the period attitudes of a culture. Take for instance what the English call a mid-Victorian. It refers to a pious abstinence bound to keep a few rude skeletons in the closet. Indeed , the Victorian Age was rather schismic in this way; with its stiff-upper lip ethos on outward appearances of the upper class wannabe catering to the gentry. What they don't tell you about is the household concubine, just in case peerage has its patrilineal shortcomings. Of course whatever doesn't measure up to that regime, stays among the servants until further notice. This way, all due secrets are kept neatly in the family closet. Failing this, there were always magisterial opportunities elsewhere, namely the colonies. That is where my father's parents landed.
On my mother's side, things were a hell of alot more complicated. As magistrates of the Hapsburgs, they were appalled by Bismarck giving in to the national socialists. It was their worst nightmare become reality. Her father landed in a labour camp, and she was involuntarily conscripted into the Luftwaffe and treated with utmost suspicion and contempt. Much of her family committed suicide rather than divulge the names of their jewish employees. Needless to say, at the first window of opportunity she fled to Prag, then managed to get the last train out of Dresden We've had a bitch of a time trying to track down all the records for some kind of compensation but between the military archives of England, America and Poland and each wanting a ridiculous fee, it's futile. After being employed by NATO at the time when Putin was liaison officer in Baden, there's no doubt the KGB had all that on file too. This may seem so long ago but I still shake my head saying WTF? when I think about it. So when people talk to me about their alleged ethnic roots, they should ask themselves about the circumstances that landed them when and where, before assuming they can relate to some ethnicity or another.
On my mother's side, things were a hell of alot more complicated. As magistrates of the Hapsburgs, they were appalled by Bismarck giving in to the national socialists. It was their worst nightmare become reality. Her father landed in a labour camp, and she was involuntarily conscripted into the Luftwaffe and treated with utmost suspicion and contempt. Much of her family committed suicide rather than divulge the names of their jewish employees. Needless to say, at the first window of opportunity she fled to Prag, then managed to get the last train out of Dresden We've had a bitch of a time trying to track down all the records for some kind of compensation but between the military archives of England, America and Poland and each wanting a ridiculous fee, it's futile. After being employed by NATO at the time when Putin was liaison officer in Baden, there's no doubt the KGB had all that on file too. This may seem so long ago but I still shake my head saying WTF? when I think about it. So when people talk to me about their alleged ethnic roots, they should ask themselves about the circumstances that landed them when and where, before assuming they can relate to some ethnicity or another.
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
Sexual Rivalry and Dominance
In the ugly world of misogyny and misandry these days, it isn't so much about sex, as it is about possession. While it is not uncommon for sexual attractions to fall folly, the worst case scenario is when they become increasingly manipulative, especially when it intends to snatch another's partner away from right under their nose. While I can accept that sexual infidelity can be quite unwitting, it’s those inclined to one-upmanship that worry me, because that equates pretty much to hostage taking, basically undermining something intimate to cause anguish, or provoke you into an unwitting retaliation.
In the real world of burdening responsibility, we seldom find the time to appreciate and reciprocate as much as we would like to. Hence, it’s only too easy for some opportunistic git to exploit the circumstances with alluring promises of something better. Perhaps it’s some sadistic need to feel superior, a personality disorder or maybe some form of frontal lobe damage. Either way, I can’t see such relationships as healthy in the outcome, no matter how fair and tolerant we may aspire ourselves to be, especially if a partner or friend is easily misled by such forays. There will always be that one, where even a friendly hello, is bound to end in some fiasco certain to haunt you for the rest of your days.
It’s that old carrot-on-a-stick soul-sucking allure of fondling and flattery to mask over what little actual interest in how you’re really doing. You are only a convenience they butter up with addictive amounts of sweet talk to serve their whims, only to watch you squirm at the slightest sign of withdrawal. Then comes the drama to emphasize on whatever misfortune can allure the desired level of sympathetic attention. This form of emotional blackmail may include self-inflicted injury, even the threat of suicide. Seemingly teetering on the borderline easily excuses them for deterring their target from any self-respecting focus; let alone attention to work, family or friends. Reciprocation is of course only by proxy to what their victim is receiving from the other end. When it finally comes down to intimate displays, in plain view of your partner, family or friends this is nothing short of harassment, with every intent to humiliate . If by this time you don’t realize you’re being sold up the Jordan, then you obviously deserve each other. No surprise that most German women these days prefer to be single mothers. Child rearing is time consuming enough without having to wet nurse an insecure adult.
It’s that old carrot-on-a-stick soul-sucking allure of fondling and flattery to mask over what little actual interest in how you’re really doing. You are only a convenience they butter up with addictive amounts of sweet talk to serve their whims, only to watch you squirm at the slightest sign of withdrawal. Then comes the drama to emphasize on whatever misfortune can allure the desired level of sympathetic attention. This form of emotional blackmail may include self-inflicted injury, even the threat of suicide. Seemingly teetering on the borderline easily excuses them for deterring their target from any self-respecting focus; let alone attention to work, family or friends. Reciprocation is of course only by proxy to what their victim is receiving from the other end. When it finally comes down to intimate displays, in plain view of your partner, family or friends this is nothing short of harassment, with every intent to humiliate . If by this time you don’t realize you’re being sold up the Jordan, then you obviously deserve each other. No surprise that most German women these days prefer to be single mothers. Child rearing is time consuming enough without having to wet nurse an insecure adult.
Tuesday, 23 February 2016
Meanwhile back at the Idiot Farm...
Either the NSA has a new toy or the popular media is really that stupid, as no matter what I websearch these days, the shear magnitude of disinformation is absolutely gobsmacking. When it comes to hucksters like David Icke and Simon Parkes, I think they should be on the cover of Psychology Today; not because of any alleged achievements in higher consciousness, rather, monumental examples of Cluster B personality disorders. As for Alex Jones, if you did your research well, it should be clear he's the poster boy of the notorious John Birch Society, who are pretty well paranoid of anything outside their Anglo-white Christian fundamentalist society. Yes, I'm talking about the cross burning on the lawn kind of pathos.
The sad fact is that even psychology is degenerating into the Zen claptrap of the New Age movement. Hence such delusionals get glorified for being so allegedly enlightened despite the obvious frontal lobe damage...and seeing what an entourage such spin masters attract, it's no surprise how Hitler and his cronies got to power. It's always the same megalomanic come-on; offering the proverbial underdog superhuman powers and entitlement in a new world order à la Helena Blavatsky. Always the same blame-shifting diatribes about some cosmic or Zionist conspiracy or another...and since when did politics ever "Tell it like it is" in human history? Of course what the channelers of the Pleiadean masterrace won't tell you is that OB stars do not have highly evolved planets, or that the Annunaki by Sumerian definition were really just stars in the sky... and what is this obsession with pyramids? WTF does that prove?
Albeit ancient aliens, illuminutters or the preposterous claims of useless ex defence ministers, it's all the same chest pounding overcompensating simian struggle for alphadom. On the pagan side of things we tend to get regularly bombarded by such woo-woo wankers, say nothing of Llewicca confabulated beyond all recognition. This is anything than useful on a site that's trying to maintain a world heritage and cultural identity aspect of things. Rather like trying to play Prokofiev's Symphony No.5 on a kazoo, no, please take your shite elsewhere.
The sad fact is that even psychology is degenerating into the Zen claptrap of the New Age movement. Hence such delusionals get glorified for being so allegedly enlightened despite the obvious frontal lobe damage...and seeing what an entourage such spin masters attract, it's no surprise how Hitler and his cronies got to power. It's always the same megalomanic come-on; offering the proverbial underdog superhuman powers and entitlement in a new world order à la Helena Blavatsky. Always the same blame-shifting diatribes about some cosmic or Zionist conspiracy or another...and since when did politics ever "Tell it like it is" in human history? Of course what the channelers of the Pleiadean masterrace won't tell you is that OB stars do not have highly evolved planets, or that the Annunaki by Sumerian definition were really just stars in the sky... and what is this obsession with pyramids? WTF does that prove?
Albeit ancient aliens, illuminutters or the preposterous claims of useless ex defence ministers, it's all the same chest pounding overcompensating simian struggle for alphadom. On the pagan side of things we tend to get regularly bombarded by such woo-woo wankers, say nothing of Llewicca confabulated beyond all recognition. This is anything than useful on a site that's trying to maintain a world heritage and cultural identity aspect of things. Rather like trying to play Prokofiev's Symphony No.5 on a kazoo, no, please take your shite elsewhere.
Friday, 22 January 2016
Why I hate Vegetarians
Every day when I look at my FB wall, some tosser is preaching vegetarianism. While I prefer my sources locally bio-dynamic and avoid most processed foods, the fact is I have a lethal intolerance to nitrates. Do you even know what that means? Do you realize how many condiments or their ingredients I have to avoid? That means no fast food, no dining out in unfamiliar places, no musli, sunflower oil, soja, green veg, E250 processed meats. and a host of herbal ingredients. So fuck off you lot and save the consumer horror stories. Do you honestly think animals are the only thing that’s been overdomesticated on this planet? Unlike you, some of us didn’t have the convenience of supermarkets in our youth, rather, learned to hunt, fish and forage. We do not fare well with your designer foods, albeit, animal, vegetable or mineral. Obviously life has been too good to you that you feel some insatiable need to preach at the very victims of your stigma. So STFU and push your nonsense elsewhere.
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