Sunday, 7 June 2015

So you wanna be my friend?


There are just some folk who think friendship gives them special rights to your every intimate being, as if they should be the centre of your universe. Just another number or convenience to meet their popularity quota, as if you should share their inane need to amass some immaculate following of sheeple. They feed you this claptrap about being like-minded as if you're supposed to identify with whatever their cause, and failing this, no address or account is safe from them trying to get in your face at every turn. A clear case of telling, not asking where you're really coming from or what you really think. Theirs is a world of “you're either for us or against us”, no “none of the above”. Oh how conveniently they call it “close-minded” and “negativity” as if healthy skepticism should be a crime. Yeah, just keep coming onto me with all this sock puppetry, telling me how much I have been their guiding light. Really? I don't think so, not if they're a bunch of new age metal heads who think foreign religion or occult is going to cure their obvious Christian persecution complex. I'm an upstanding member of the Church of Euthanasia, so if you really wanna save the planet, sharpen up that old Katana and remove that rather large wart from between your ears. No, you're not getting any money from me for it. This is my opinion and I'm sticking to it. Too bad so sad.